Help Re-Elect Dannielle Larkin!

Step 1:

Give Me A


I’m so grateful for the many citizens that have taken the time to share why they’re voting for me!

1) Write a couple short points on why you’re voting to re-elect me.
2) If you’re willing to have those
featured, send by clicking the “Submit a Testimonial” button.
3) Share via
Text Message, Email, Facebook (tag our page,
Dannielle Larkin for City Council), Instagram (tag @larkinforcitycouncil), LinkedIn - Anywhere else you can think of!

Step 2:

Put Up a

Free Sign!

My team is happy to deliver a sign(s) to you! We give signs away for free, though we’re always grateful for donations.

Click here to order a sign - you’ll be prompted to give a $15/sign donation if you so choose.

Where can you put the sign?
-Your front yard
-Your store front or business facade
-Any other land you have access to in town

Step 3:


I appreciate ALL donors that support my campaign!

While I’m intensely grateful to all of the volunteers that give their time to help me get re-elected, running a campaign is still expensive!

Experts estimate that most St. George City Council campaigns will spend ~$25,000 on their campaigns.

Our main expenses are marketing expenses and getting the word out — help implement my positive vision for our town!

More donations =

-More signs
-More public relations and press placement
-More marketing exposure