Why I'm Voting for Dannielle Larkin - Ally McQuivey, Longtime Resident

“When I moved here 21 years ago, Dannielle Larkin was the first person who stopped by and told me “You are welcome here.”

I believe she has taken that same position with every citizen of St. George - that they are welcome with their diverse backgrounds and views.

I have watched city council meetings for several years and I am always impressed by how well-prepared Dannielle is. She shows up to every committee meeting she is assigned to and gives it 100%.

Dannielle will study the problems, needs, and requests beyond the prepared packet that is issued. She seeks out the concerned public’s questions and concerns. She understands the codes that govern our city and her voting record reflects the responsibility a city council member should uphold.

Dannielle exemplifies honesty, fairness, thoughtfulness, and above all civility.

Dannielle needs my vote and yours, and St. George needs Dannielle.”


Why I'm Voting for Dannielle Larkin - Patty Wise, La Verkin City Councilwoman


Why I'm Voting for Dannielle Larkin - Linda Stay, Advocate for the Marginalized