Why I'm Voting for Dannielle Larkin - Jeremy Larkin, Business Owner (The Larkin Group)

“Hey, St. George friends and neighbors. Jeremy Larkin here. I'm talking about a huge voting issue for me in the 2023 St. George City Council election, and that is supporting candidates that understand how important vibrant downtowns are.

I'm actually talking about my friend, not my cousin, not my sister, and not my wife, Dannielle Larkin. We share the same last name, but she's married to my cousin. I've seen Danielle research downtown, move downtown, and really understand how vibrant these communities are.

Growing up in St. George (I grew up on 600 East), I didn't understand that it mattered if a city was walkable, I didn't understand that you needed bike lanes, I didn't understand that we wanted to bring businesses, and restaurants, and artwork, and all these things back downtown. Dannielle understands this.

I've watched her do this. I've watched her love it. And I will be voting for her on many issues, but this is one of the primary issues, is a vibrant downtown. I hope you will vote for Dannielle Larkin as well.”


Why I'm Voting for Dannielle Larkin - Patty Wise, La Verkin City Councilwoman