Why I'm Voting for Dannielle Larkin - Keith and Judy Bozeman, Longtime Residents

“We support Dannielle Larkin in her re-election campaign. We started attending City Council meetings on a regular basis in 2016, so it is fair to say that we have seen a variety of people serve on the city council.

C/W Larkin is always prepared; she does her homework. Her knowledge from the Planning Commission is invaluable. When Dannielle speaks, we know it is well thought out and worth listening to.

She truly has the best interests of the city at heart. This city owes her a debt of gratitude for always looking out for the quality-of-life issues; recreational access, pickleball and tennis courts, bike lanes and importantly bike parking. Additionally, she is well aware of the financial impact projects have on the city and votes accordingly.

Dannielle Larkin is definitely a keeper!!”


Why I'm Voting for Dannielle Larkin - Kent Carollo, Longtime Resident


Why I'm Voting for Dannielle Larkin - Craig Shanklin, Longtime Resident