Why I'm Voting for Dannielle Larkin - Craig Shanklin, Longtime Resident

“She’s not a “politician”…and I’m sure she hates “running" for office. But she is a great neighbor and sees that we all have an obligation to return something to our community. This is her time to be of service to our community and she takes it seriously.

She puts so much time into her city council responsibilities…more than any other member, I’m sure. She attends countless meetings, answer hundreds of emails, texts and calls and is constantly doing research on the issues facing the city. She is always well prepared and is constantly looking for best practices in other communities that might solve problems in our city.

On every issue, Dannielle seems genuinely open minded and eager to hear all points of view and also get input from experts. She has no “agenda”…other than making her community the best possible place to live.

Dannielle has so many positive attributes…smart, caring, honest, experienced, hard working…but the most important is that she is just a great neighbor. We all want neighbors like Dannielle. I’m excited to support Dannielle and thrilled she has agreed to seek re-election.”


Why I'm Voting for Dannielle Larkin - Keith and Judy Bozeman, Longtime Residents


Why I'm Voting for Dannielle Larkin - Kye Nordfelt, Longtime Resident