Why I'm Voting for Dannielle Larkin - Kim Pollock, Frequent Community Volunteer

“I first had the pleasure of meeting Dannielle several years ago when she was coordinating a cleanup of one of the multi-use paths that had been flooded and partially damaged from a minor flood.  She was right there with a shovel and broom along with the other volunteers working to restore this trail so that everyone could continue to enjoy it.

Since that time, the more I get to know Dannielle, the more I appreciate her dedication, her knowledge, her values and her interpersonal skills.  She is, without a doubt, the right person to advocate for and promote St George and all the things we so much like about living here.

Thank you for all you do Dannielle and you certainly have my vote!”


Why I'm Voting for Dannielle Larkin - Justin Stum (MS, LMFT), Business Owner (Justin Stum Consulting)


Why I'm Voting for Dannielle Larkin - Bruce R. Bennett, President of St. George Musical Theater