Why I'm Voting for Dannielle Larkin - Justin Stum (MS, LMFT), Business Owner (Justin Stum Consulting)

“Dannielle is an example to me of someone that embodies true leadership and a willingness to be mindful and compassionate in her decisions in her advocacy for the city and the citizens in it.

I’ve seen community leaders claim to be open, when in reality they’re just curious. Now, Dannielle is one that’s genuinely open and willing to listen and consider; she’s the kind of city council member I want helping make decisions that impact my family and those I care about so much in this community.

I’ve watched her show up in different capacities and super trust her decision making which is noted in her years of community involvement, just take a look at her multifaceted engagement in the St. George community by viewing her track record.

She’s got my support and I appreciate what she has already done for the city of St. George.” 


Why I'm Voting for Dannielle Larkin - Kye Nordfelt, Longtime Resident


Why I'm Voting for Dannielle Larkin - Kim Pollock, Frequent Community Volunteer