Why I'm Voting for Dannielle Larkin - Kye Nordfelt, Longtime Resident

“I'm going to vote for Dannielle Larkin because she listens, and she really cares about people. She's compassionate and she dedicates her time to understand the issues. She shows up to meetings, does the homework, and cares deeply about the community.

She's exactly the kind of leader that I wish all of our leaders were in terms of how she serves, the way she goes about her business, and what she does to try to help all people in the community feel included.

So, I'm happy to vote for Dannielle Larkin and glad that she's willing to run to serve this community.”


Why I'm Voting for Dannielle Larkin - Craig Shanklin, Longtime Resident


Why I'm Voting for Dannielle Larkin - Justin Stum (MS, LMFT), Business Owner (Justin Stum Consulting)